Red de carga para pickup de 72 in x 96 in

1 comentarios

Red de carga para pickup de 72 in x 96 in

1 comentarios

$19.99 $19.99 $19.99

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Descripción del producto

Número de pieza:

Red de carga para pickup de 72 in x 96 in. Las cuerdas de soporte tienen ganchos ajustables para los diferentes tamaños y formas de las cargas.

  • Diseñada y construida para adaptarse a camionetas utilitarias y camionetas de tamaño medio y tamaño completo, para que puedas usarla en vehículos de diferentes tamaños.
  • Las cuerdas de soporte tienen ganchos ajustables para los diferentes tamaños y formas de las cargas.
  • No requiere herramientas para el montaje; fácil de instalar y usar.

Comentarios (1)

4 de 5 estrellas con 1 comentarios


needs more hooks

Questions & Answers (3)

Questions & Answers (3)

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*All questions are reviewed and approved before being posted or answered.
Please keep all questions appropriate and related to the product.

Will a coach fit

–Wendy Loraine Collins 10/21/2020 4:14:59 PM

Hello Wendy and thanks for your question. The netting fits over any size truck bed. If you are putting the couch in the truck be it should work. The size of the net is 72” x 96”. Have a good day.

–Frank 10/23/2020 6:04:41 AM

I recently Made a reservation Can i edit the pick up location

–Joanna Bodnar 2/8/2020 10:27:40 AM

Hi, Joanna! Please call us at 1-800-468-4285 to change your rental pick up location. Thank you!

–Savannah 2/13/2020 1:38:55 PM

queen size bed can fit?, on pick up trucks.

–Nan Win 8/31/2014 9:55:49 AM

Please contact a local U-Haul center. Thanks.

–Ronald 9/2/2014 9:42:26 AM

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Product Description

Part Number:

Pick-up Cargo Net 72” x 96”. Outrigger cords have adjustable hooks for differing load shapes and sizes.

  • Designed and engineered to fit SUT (Sport Utility Trucks), mid size and full size trucks so you can use on different size vehicles.
  • Outrigger cords have adjustable hooks for differing load shapes and sizes.
  • No tools required for assembly, easy to install and use.

Pick-up Cargo Net 72” x 96” Reviews (1)

4 out of 5 stars with 1 reviews


needs more hooks

Questions & Answers (3)

To view an answer to a question, simply click on the question. To post a new question, click on the "Ask a question" button below.

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*All questions are reviewed and approved before being posted or answered.
Please keep all questions appropriate and related to the product.

Will a coach fit

–Wendy Loraine Collins 10/21/2020 4:14:59 PM

Hello Wendy and thanks for your question. The netting fits over any size truck bed. If you are putting the couch in the truck be it should work. The size of the net is 72” x 96”. Have a good day.

–Frank 10/23/2020 6:04:41 AM

I recently Made a reservation Can i edit the pick up location

–Joanna Bodnar 2/8/2020 10:27:40 AM

Hi, Joanna! Please call us at 1-800-468-4285 to change your rental pick up location. Thank you!

–Savannah 2/13/2020 1:38:55 PM

queen size bed can fit?, on pick up trucks.

–Nan Win 8/31/2014 9:55:49 AM

Please contact a local U-Haul center. Thanks.

–Ronald 9/2/2014 9:42:26 AM

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