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Fantastic experience. Thank you.
PAUL WBeaucoup de souris et de rats retrouver dans mes affaires
Nicolas G | Overall ExperienceLe camion que j'ai louer vous m'avez charger plus qu'on savait entendu Le gaz etait vide et vous vouliez qu je le remplisse pour vous. Vous n'avez pas donner d'escompte comme entendu. Pas surprenant
Sean G | Overall Experiencewe had registered all the info online beforehand and when we got there we had to do it all over again.. we were also charged twice for the truck
Stephane LLe camion est tombé en panne et on a dû le booster pour qu il démarre et on a comeme peye pour l heure de panne🙄
CHERIF GAttente de 15 min avant de rencontrer un employé qui ne savait pas comment me servir alors que j'avais appelé la veille pour réserver. J'avais demandé un 10x15 un premier niveau alors que l'on m'a dit que. était au 2e et que j'avais bcp d'article lourd alors on m'a donné 2 petits entrepôt au 1er, ce qui est peu pratique; en plus demandé devoir acheter 2 cadenas. je n'ai eu aucun encadrement et aide en ce qui concerne la sortie par les portes de garages; on m'a dit que c'était automatique alors que d'aucune façon on m'a expliqué ou aide. nous avons donc trouvé un bouton pour ouvrir la porte car aucun membre du personnel n'était présent dans l'endroit de déchargement, même à l'interphone. finalement la porte ouverte, la lumière passe au vert mais le haut du camion à accrocher la porte de garage. J'ai demandé alors d'utiliser la garage que j'avais pris lors location du camion. Personne ne m'a dit expliquer cette garantie et ce que cela comprenait alors qu'on m'a dit que tout était compris et ma stupéfaction quand l'employé mais pas les acceochagrs par le haut du camion ne le sont pas. Services déficients; employés non formation parle ni français ou anglais qui ne donnent aucun détail par manque de savoir, d'expérience et du langage. Pascal Joly 438-304-9031
pascal j | First ImpressionsMerci d'ajouter des rampes à tous les véhicules et votre service serait au top.
YOUSSOUF Sfirst truck given had broken driving mirror. I identified it and was changed. The new one was indicating low tire pressure, Complaint to staff and they said it's a normal sign on the dashboards. Trucks not well inspected before handed to clients. price was a little expensive.
Ivo LPersonnel sympathique. Endroit propre.
claude v | First ImpressionsGreat people!
CESAR AThe left front light was burned on the truck. Except that all was good
Jason T | First ImpressionsThe wait time is sometimes long but your personnel was very helpful. Top team.
PEDER KClose ceiling opening inside units next to eachother... Very very very extreme bad infestation of mice!!!! My things were damaged with mouse sh*t and urine. Contacting manager at times was impossible.
Ann M | Overall Experienceyou are the best stotage in the wall congratulation
Mbombo K | Overall ExperienceThe kind and efficient employee could not speak French so I had to try to be understood. There was an issue with the cable wires that were broken at pickup and the guy had to repair them. It was right after Christmas so I guess that they were on reduced staff.
JEAN PThanks for all. I’ll come back when possible.
EDWIN L | Overall ExperienceInform customers renting packing blankets to use face masks when in close proximity to said blankets. Multiple people involved in my move were coughing very deeply, and painfully after using the blankets to wrap various items.
DANIEL WOver charged , not maintained trucks!!
KUBILAY KTerrible customer service! They are rude and disrespectful towards clients.
clement zThe experience did not meet expectations. Despite multiple workers, we did not get the keys for our reserved uhaul for 1.5h. The reserved van was also not available, although we had confirmed the day prior. When we finally drove the uhaul to our appartement we were unable to open the door, as it was not consistently maintained at the facility and froze in the cold weather. Upon calling to ask for help, we were met with disinterest from the facility.
Holly PAlready good service
DOULO BThe check out App couldn't read the QR code... It a big fail. Felt ripped while you charge me 20$
Jonathan M | Overall ExperienceEn arrivant personne au comptoir Une dame dans un bureau m’ignorait Une autre est arrivée Les 2 se sont mise à parler ensemble en m’ignorant Après leur avoir adresser poliment la parole elles m’ont dit que quelqu’un va venir s’occuper de moi très sèchement Très déçu de l’approche client de ces 2 dames mais lorsque la bonne personne est arrivée j’ai eu un très bon service J’aurais aimé un peu plus de politesse et de savoir vivre de ces 2 dames à mon arrivé C’est pour ça que je ne recommande pas votre succursale
FRANCIS MGot a van to move some stuff. The inside smelled like cigarettes, side mirrors were dirty and the right turn signal/ brake light was not working. The customer service is good but they should inspect their vehicles more often
YOUSIF YIt took 1h to get served and 10min to get my booking. We were 3 people in line and there were 3 staff working (1 manager and 2 employees), the incompetence of the staff and lack of professionalism was astonishing.
BRANDON LI had excellent and respectful service. Julien was polite, effective, efficient and knowledgeable. His interactions with everyone else in line was exactly the same, calm and respectful. U-Haul is lucky to have him.
LUIS MI had to scrape the glass off the windshield with my own equipment and thus lose time on my booking.The truck was delivered to me with the fuel level slightly below half, even though the contract indicated half, I put it back at the same place and was charged for the fuel. This is an unethical practice. You'd rather lose a customer than commit to preserving them. I won't be coming back and I'll tell everyone around me how greedy U Haul is.
RICHARD LTook almost an hour to get served Contract was not as discussed Was late for picking up merchandise
CHARLES BValve d'un pneu fissurée. L'employé m'a quand même donné le camion même s'il savait qu'il y avait un problème avec le camion. L'employé a gonflé le pneu avant que je parte. J'ai été obligé de gonfler le pneu 3 fois entre Montréal et Québec. Beaucoup de stress et d'anxiété. Le lendemain, j'ai été obligé d'appeler et de faire réparer le pneu. L'employé ne devrait pas laisser un client partir avec un camion défectueux.
DARSHANJIT SYou guys raised the price on me regularly. I hapoen to go visit and your advertised price is lower than what you charge me. In fact I think it was the same price as when I initialy rented the space. I couldn't stay wirj a dishonest conpany and I'll tell anyone who asks me that you're dishonest and sneaky. I shoukd get a refund for all those minths I was overcharged. I'm pretty sure what you're doibg is against the law.
Samir F | Overall ExperienceReturning the trailer after hours was complicated. The app wasn't working and when I called, the agent had computer problems.
LUC BObjet : Demande de remboursement pour facturation erronée Bonjour, Je me permets de vous écrire concernant une erreur de facturation sur mon compte. J'ai été facturé en trop d'un montant de 50,67 $. D'après ce que j'ai compris, cette situation est due à un problème lors du retour d'un camion : soit il n'a pas été trouvé par votre employé, soit il n'a pas été correctement enregistré. Malheureusement, je n'ai pas réussi à joindre un responsable pour discuter de ce problème et trouver une solution. Je vous serais reconnaissant de bien vouloir examiner ma situation et corriger cette erreur dans les plus brefs délais. Je reste disponible pour fournir toute information supplémentaire si nécessaire. Vous pouvez me contacter par téléphone ou par courriel à votre convenance. Dans l'attente de votre retour, je vous remercie de l'attention que vous porterez à cette demande. Cordialement, michel hebert
MICHEL HChanged my pick-up location 12 hours before moving day on an order I made a month in advance. Offered a $50 discount for the inconvenience and then didn't follow-through at pick-up because "manager wasn't there." Took an hour of waiting in line to pick up truck. It was filthy. Really disappointing experience.
Sofia M1st I scheduled a 15' truck for 9am then I find out I was getting a smaller vehicle for 3:30 pm...it gets dark at 4pm....who really wants to move when it's dark???? Now had to have several trips to move in the morning with personal vehicles, cost mileage and gas plus gas and mileage for people who helped me and on top of that I had to pay for the truck rental and gas!!! Vehicle had engine check sign on dashboard and was not driving well. Very unhappy customer!!
CHARISSE AJe trouve innaceptable d'avoir réserver à un point de service et de devoir me rendre à un autre point qui est loin de chez moi. De plus j'étais supposé avoir la prise en charge de façon autonome et j'ai été obligé de faire la file une heure
FREDERIC VOne light was not functional; I had to change the trailer. The second trailer was fine.
DANIEL MYou call 1 day before to tell me I have to drive 40 km for my truck = 80 km before moving. I put gaz for my 30 km that I really use and you charge me 50$ of gaz.
GUSTAN BExcellent service, simple and easy. 👌🏻
Martin L5*****
mamadou d | Overall ExperienceQuick & easy Merci beaucoup
MATHIEU PVery easy access to find return location just off the highway.
JOHN DWe were told to put the truck in the lineup of trucks in front of the establishment.
Siranouche GProblem with mouse or rats
Maxime L | Overall ExperienceWell done
MARJAN FLe camion était parfaite mais au retour du camion un longue ligne pour recevoir le camion et m'on changée pour le carburent même si j'avais mis du gas en trop. Et ca c'est du vol . Note je utilise h-haul depuis log temps et c'est la premier fois que ca arrivé . Merci
REMIGIO AI have no comment.
jennifer m | Overall ExperienceSo far so good.
MAXIMO PToo slow at the counter to begin. It looks there alway a problem with a customer with the reservation or the payment. Waited in line for 15 min and there were only one customer in front of me to start.
Jerome PThe keys provided could not open truck doors, though started the engine. Ended up calling locksmith
Ivan MI mentioned that I was going to pass by to move to my new unit, however they did not remove the lock therefore I wasn't able to make the transfer The first time I renewed same thing happened however during their hours that staff is on site. Last night, I went unpacked my stuff them had to fit all in my current unit and I was very unhappy and I won't be able to make the move as they requested. Hopefully someone will contact me and fix this otherwise, I will move somewhere else.
robert d | First ImpressionsBilingual staff, Timely service- wait time too long Why could we not return the truck to a closer location.? The truck itself was super clean. Excelente
URSULA DJe n'ai pas apprécié que ma réservation faite à la succursale de Brossard pour tôt le matin soit changée la veille pour une réservation en fin d'après-midi.. j'ai dû perdre du temps pour faire modifier ma réservation... on m'a trouvé un autre camion à Lachine, où je devais récupérer le camion à 8h avec un code... Il n'y avait pas de code... J'ai dû attendre l'ouverture à 9h et faire la file, donc au lieu de partir à 8h avec le camion, il était passé 10h, ce qui a fait décaler tout mon horaire planifié avec les personnes qui m'ont aidé...
Josee pLe temps d'attente pour prendre possession du véhicule malgré que c'est déjà réservé et enregistré est assez long, sinon tout a bien été
Emmanuelle LLe temps d'attente est plus long que prévu. Des erreurs du personnel remarqués : au niveau du calcule de ni au d'essence, la facture initiale a été de $173. Après avoir attendu pendant une heure, j'ai, finalement eu mon remboursement de $70 ( frais de service de remplissage d'essence), tout en se justifiant de la fatigue la veille, à la fin de la journée de travail de 12 heures. Le service à la clientèle pourrait être un peut plus respectueux. Merci et bonne journée !
VLADIMIR SGuys you have a big problem with rats
ZOUHIR M | Overall ExperienceCamion reçu très sale avec des effets de la location d'avant......chapeau, papier, bonbon, filtre à café ........
SYLVIE AThe agent told me to not have available van or trucks to rent, I was really in bad situation as I have to empty my storage today. After going online I was able to reserve one. So I returned back to him showing my reservation number. Even with that he continue playing games and saying I don't see your name. Finaly he give me the van but YOU have to stop them reserving the trucks under the table.
MICHAEL DPlease ensure truck rentals reservations are ready there for their scheduled times. Got my truck late after I had scheduled and paid for movers to start earlier. UHaul blamed other customers for being late for drop off the trucks for other peoples reservations.
Benjamin FLe véhicule n'a pas été vérifié avant de l'attacher à mon véhicule. Un des pneus avait un FLAT nous avons suggéré au préposé de prendre un pneu sur un véhicule dans la cours pour l'installer sur la remorque loués afin de ne pas perdre trop de temps il ne savais pas trop comment dealer avec ce problème . L'attache électrique qui le reliait à mon véhicule a été mal connecter. Il y avait beaucoup de clients sur place et nous avons du attendre longtemps pour recevoir le service. Une fois à destination Nous nous sommes rendu compte que les écrous sur la roue avaient été mal visser. J'ai été chanceux de ne pas perdre la roue sur l'autoroute 20 en direction de Québec. Ça aurait pu être une belle expérience mais les accroc se sont accumulés.
ANTONIO BThe person who served me was extremely rude. Initially, he refused to assist me and displayed a poor attitude throughout my visit. He repeatedly insisted that I couldn't reserve a truck but eventually allowed me to do so-only after over 45 minutes of back-and-forth discussion. Overall, it was a terrible experience.
mateas gCustomer service was amazing.
LYNN MMy reservation was a close 5x8. When I arrive to take it the lady at the counter told me that she has no more close trailer, so I ended up with a 5x9 open trailer... I have done only half of my project.
KEVEN SThe manager Ms Sophia was amazing all the things I needed plus I rented trailers also she and the staff was great
Sheldon A | Overall ExperienceThe truck wasn't ready when it was supposed to be. I got it at 4:30 while it was reserves for 3:30, and I lost an hour waiting. I was trying to get stuff out of my place and to the ecocenter, but arrived there 10 minutes tomlate and I had to unload wverything back to my place. The employee told me she couldn't reimburse me and no manager were around. I lost 45$ for the reservation + 10$ of gas, on top of my whole afternoon.
FLAVIE CJ'ai attendu très longtemps avant d'avoir le camion que j'avais réservé à 9h (j'étais au U-Haul à 8h55 et je l'ai eu à 9h20). Ce serait mon seul bémol : le temps d'attente.
CATHERINE VThe employees don't look at the reservation to see what was booked/purchased. They look like they have a good vibe together which is great, however they are too comfy chatting together and laughing/showing videos on the phones and making clients wait. 4 people on the counter, 3 on the phone joking around and only 1 working. It was only when the lineup reached 5-6 people that they turned towards the clients
SAMER ETruck was overheating, lost 3 hours of my day waiting for it to cooldown. Tried to contact customer service with no success.
VINCENT LI was charged repeatedly for « not paying on time » while it was your system or your employee not registering my card for automatic payments, as I asked them to. In the meantime, I received at least one letter of wrongful payment. It was very difficult to get refunded, I tried calling and was told that I had to go directly in person, which took time. It also happened once that I came all the way to my locker (that I previously asked to be automatically charged for), and finding it blocked. Mind you it takes me 40 minutes with the traffic to go back home. I was not accommodated for this mistake that wasn't mine or offered any kind of apology. To pay for a product and then not get access to it is inconsiderate to your customers, especially considering the price you ask for. Finally, there was a ton of mouse excrement everywhere in my locker, I understand its difficult to control but it was a lot. Please take into consideration that the locker was my deceased mother's and all of this added a lot of stress in an already very difficult situation.
sophie r | Overall ExperienceBonjour. Premièrement, je n'ai pu récupérer le camion sur Saint-Jacques parce qu'il était brisé. J'ai eu un dédommagement pour cela et c'est apprécié. Par la suite j'ai récupéré un autre camion sur la rue Norman à Lachine. Lorsque j'ai reçu ma facture par courriel j'ai été surpris de payer un frais de service de 30$ pour l'essence et de 40$ pour 21litres d'essence alors que j'ai parcouru 66.5 kilomètres. Ce qui fait 3.17 kilomètres au litre ??? C'est beaucoup. J'ai envoyé un courriel le 19 octobre dernier et je suis sans nouvelle depuis...
PIERRE CTrès très satisfaite!
Louise R | Overall Experiencethe u-box lady not helpful at all she refused to change my u-box and she left the location with the forklift key so no one in the u-haul location can help me to change the ubox so that cost me more money because i rent a trailer to transport my furniture from the home to the uhaul location to put them in the ubox at the uhaul location.
isabelle BThe staff member receiving me at the desk was initially very cold and rude, however throughout the conversation became slightly more friendly. Part of the storage space smells of natural gas and this may be an issue?
Edel k | Online Move InTrès bon service avec Sophia et son équipe Le seul problème c'est que pour faire le paiement de l'entrepôt nous avons besoin d'attendre dans la même ligne d'attente que la même ligne de location!!. Mais pour le reste excellent service avec Sophia et son équipe.
Gilles T | Overall ExperienceEn Français s.v.p.; le préposé ne parait AUCUN mot de Francais, c'est un gros manque de respect pour les Québécois.
Paul HMy invoices are not the same all the time even though I cover the same distance and I don't know why
evans aThere is rodent excrement in my unit. A quick sweep would have prevented this unpleasant experience. I will surely move my belongings by the end of the month. I would
Imani B | Online Move InI lost half of my stuff because of the rats and obviously uhaul couldnt do anything about it. Horrible experience. The only good thing i can say about it is that sophia was very helpful.
elise b | Overall ExperienceThe only problem I experienced at the LaChine Uhaul facility was with the "Online Services". Wad it my Credit Card and Debit Card or your Online Application, no one new. My sincerest thanks to the Staff's commitment to serve well its clientele.
BERNADO M | Overall ExperienceThe locker itself was always filthy. Rat droppings all over my stuff. Staff was never around or helpful. Your company simply does not care about customer service. Would never use another U-Haul product again.
Julian T | Overall ExperienceThe experience in this place was horrible. The rats ate everything, everything was infected with rat urine and feces. I would not recommend anyone to put their things there.
ALEJANDRO R | Overall Experiencegreate storage space and rates
MARIA V | Overall ExperienceMost of my thing were damaged or full of mouse poop
emmy s | Overall ExperienceI am writing to express my extreme dissatisfaction with my recent experience at your storage facility. Initially, I had to change units because the first one was infested with mice excrements. Unfortunately, the second unit was even worse, as it was also contaminated, and I later discovered that mice had started chewing through my boxes. What is most disappointing is that U-Haul failed to inform me about the severity of this issue. As a loyal customer who has consistently made on-time payments for the past two years, I find this situation completely unacceptable. I have requested a refund multiple times and provided photographic evidence of the condition of the storage unit. However, I am still waiting for a response. AVOID this place at all costs !! Infested with mice.
Marianella M | Overall ExperienceBonjour! je suis vraiment déçu, j'ai réalisé depuis la première semaine qu'il y avait une infestation de rats, mes boites on était endommagé et déchiré, en plus tous mes boites ont été rempli de popo et pipi de rats. J'ai perdu beaucoup de mes affaires à cause de ça. Les rats ont abimé, mangé les câbles, les plastiques, les boites, tout. C'est honteux. J'aimerais recevoir le remboursement total de mon argent. J'ai des vidéos et photos de tout. J'attend votre correspondance et votre attention à ce sujet le plus vite possible. Merci beaucoup
iberna p | Overall ExperienceMy entire storage unit was infested of mouse feces. It was all over my items and the floor. It was disgusting. I would like to be reimbursed for the damages!
kanisha b | Overall ExperienceGreat facility and staff
Fred N | First ImpressionsFantastic and courteous staff especially in the last month or so. Vey upbeat and helpful The washroom at the loading area is disgusting. The garbage are in the loading area was always so messy. I had a serious mouse problem even though I didn't have any food or storage that once had food.
Bernie M | Overall ExperienceI would like to mention the U Haul associate that I was served by , her name is Lianne. She was an absolute delight, she was professional, extremely knowledgeable, friendly, attentive, polite , gracious, very articulate and she has quite the sense of humour. She was always smiling,and looked like she really enjoyed her job. Overall she made the whole U Haul experience delightful. Thank you Lianne,you made my day and brought a smile to my face.
ROBERT P | Overall ExperienceWe appreciated the excellent service we received from this location.
Douglas K | Overall ExperienceWas riddled with mouse feces. Uma was an amazing and helpful employee.
Sara M | Overall ExperienceMs. Oxley-Hall, the manager was very helpful in finding the right storage solution for me. Courteous and friendly. She made the experience smooth and pleasant st a challenging time.
Kathy-ann D | First ImpressionsThere was rat poop all over and lots of comments in Google about this but nobody seems to care. It took like 10 emails and same number of phone calls and escalations to get a refund of wrong billing. I don't know if inadequate staffing or whatever structural issues are causing this but the place is very badly run.
Srivatsa N | Overall ExperiencePire place au monde!!!! Personne veux de vous !
MAXIME L | First ImpressionsI had to wait about 20 minutes after my scheduled drop off time to start getting served
CRAIG E | First ImpressionsI had a great experience at this location. I would recommend anyone to use their services. Sofia the manager was great and very friendly, she also treats her employees extremely well. If I need storage solutions again I won't look elsewhere.
Martin B | Overall ExperienceMy unit had a mouse infestion and there was defecation all over it. I lost a mattress and couch due to the mice. If it wasn't for that MAJOR issue, I would have given 5 stars. It's unfortunate.
Shelly M | Overall ExperienceMy locker which I leased for over a year was full of mice & rat droppings. .I asked many times to have it cleaned and I was told that it was head office that looked after that and head office will communicate with me. It's been months and I never heard back from u-haul. My wife was afraid to go to our locker as she doesn't like rodents eating our possessions . Bobby Garfield 514-892-6229
BOBY G | Overall ExperienceThis facility is run by idiots. The service is ridiculous. The staff has no respect at all and makes you feel like you are the idiot when you ask simple question and ask for help as their system is not working properly; our access card was denied and the guy told us it was our fault and he couldn't do anything to help out. Honestly, I've never experienced bad service like that and I won't be using the company anymore.
trycia b | Overall ExperienceEvery time I came to my storage unit I would find rat droppings (feces) all over my boxes and bins. I had zero access to cleaning supplies (broom or rag) to help clean the mess. I've even spotted a mouse running down the hallway.
ANIKA J | Overall ExperienceYou took care of everything beautifully!
lori o | Overall ExperienceSophia Oxley the best manager I ever met.
aouled a | Overall ExperienceFirst very good experience, will totally recommend you!
gonzalez p | Overall ExperienceI was shocked by how many mouse droppings accumulated at the base of the unit. Items need to be thrown out as there was no way to save them. When I first arrived to drop off my things the staff was cold and my questions seemed to be an unwelcome inconvenience.
Matthew D | Overall ExperienceI had a mice infestation in my storage and it was absolutely disgusting. Clearly you guys don't exterminate. Horrible experience. Never again.
denisha b | Overall ExperienceVery clean and maintained. My only issue was entering after hours as the card entry gave me a hard time to enter.
DEBRA L | Overall ExperienceFirst girl is terrible. Second guy, Joey, is nice and helpful.
dong y | First ImpressionsSuper well kept facility. Access is absolutely awesome! Getting the locker was a little shaky, but the rest has been top notch!
Brian S | First ImpressionsIt's clean and safe so far love the experience
ELTON C | First ImpressionsReally super nice guys work there !
Ahmad H | First ImpressionsIt was an excellent choice to choice U-Haul for my storage needs.
Chris S | Overall ExperienceNotre équipement a été endommagé par la grande quantité de souris. Les boites de poison ne servent à rien et ont été remplies seulement qu'une fois à notre demande. Plein de crottes de souris partout dans nos choses. Service difficile au bureau, non acceuillant , non bienvenu et aucunement chaleureux. Équipe nonchalante.
Joanne G | Overall ExperienceI paid for 24hr access buy never got it. Plus I called to remedy the situation and it never got remdied technically I'm owed money Lynn
lynn g | Overall Experiencedespite the facility being fairly clean and maintained, there is a mice problem and we recommend that if a unit is rented out longer than a few months, it should be mandatory that the mouse traps be changed at least once every 3 months, that may help reduce the mouse problems the facility has. an email/text or letter by mail could be sent to the renter letting them know their locker needs a new trap and they need to be present. personally i would prefer to have to show up at the locker once a quarter to do this than to lose my belongings because mice got inside and peed/pooped on my things.
Francois L | Overall ExperienceEverything was excellent and easy the only pb is rat , I found loads of rat dropping ,
Meriem S | Overall ExperienceMerci pour votre engagement Juste quelques suggestions : Prévoir des ciseaux pour couper le ti-rape quand le client prend la possession de son unité et prévoir les balais pour les nettoyer au départ. Merci
Natalya B | Overall ExperienceThe ability to speak English would be very good. Although they did try hard to accomidate.
doug s | First ImpressionsGood storage experience. Only one issue and was resolved promptly by the staff.
Erik H | Overall ExperienceThere were too much rat droppings over my stuff and furniture. I put my sofa in the garbage. I am so sad because of the rat .
Mehdi R | Overall ExperienceOrganized place and friendly staff
ashraf z | Overall ExperienceAll persons I had contact with were extremely helpful. As for Spĥia, I was very, very impressed with how she directed all functions of your system. She gets 11 ***** (stars) BRAVO to all!!!!!
Percy G | Overall ExperienceIl y avais des souris dans mon box
Julie t | Overall ExperienceThank you to Sophia for the amazing service. She went above and beyond to help me. She was professional and friendly. ¡Gracias!
Massimo C | Overall Experience